Source: Plaistow 2011 Annual Report

The Plaistow Historical Society would like to think that our very reason “d’être” is to ensure that we never forget the legacy of our heritage.
Veteran’s Project
In 2011, we were especially grateful to Historical Society member Bob Hobbs for his “Veterans Project.” This project was established to identify all veterans with ties to the Town of Plaistow. The list is constantly growing as additional information continues to be provided to our Society. In addition, an off-shoot of this project has led to our “Veterans in Uniform” program which is a list of all service members associated with Plaistow who are able to provide their picture in uniform and whom have catalogued their dates of service and any other information they wish to provide regarding their service.
In 2011, the Historical Society had four new members join which enhanced our visibility in the Community. Also, we will never forget two recently deceased stalwart supporters of the Plaistow Historical Society – Melda Lambert and Ed Everett. We will sorely miss their generous donations of artifacts. The Society was also extremely grateful for the memorabilia received from Joan Keezer during 2011.
Old Home Day
The annual “Old Home Day” was very successful. In addition to this big Town event, the Historical Society was able to host a visiting session of forty-five (45) visiting students from Saint Dizier, France and their host families from the Timberlane Regional School District (TRSD).
Toddler Trick or Treat
Plaistow’s annual “Toddler Trick or Treat” night brought one hundred and five (105) children and their families to the Historical Society Museum!
Historical Society Scholarship
The Historical Society’s Annual 2011 Scholarship was awarded to Kelly Flathers, a student at the Timberlane Regional High School.
2011 Programs
The Historical Society hosted the following three programs in 2011:
The Great Sheep Boom and Its Enduring Legacy on the New Hampshire Landscape.
(Presented by Steve Taylor, former NH Secretary of Agriculture).
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Local Author and Close Friend of Mark Twain.
(Presented by J. Dennis Robinson).
Native American History of the Merrimack Valley.
(Presented by David Stewart-Smith).
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert J. Carolan, President
This is a 1948 picture of Holy Angels Parish that used to be located at the intersection of Route 125 and East Road. Today, this site is the location of a Dunkin’ Donuts. This is one of the many photographs that the Plaistow Historical Society keeps on file.