All kinds and abilities of Volunteers Needed

Do you find History interesting? Would you like to find out more about the history of Plaistow, its residents and the surrounding area. Then stop by and give us a visit. We have soooo much that has to be done to update and upgrade the historical society, our collections. The Historical Society is in need of  all kinds volunteers with all kinds of skills. If you would like to donate a few hours or a few days or the rest of your life, we could use you. contact us today

Phone: 603-974-1690



graduating class of 1922 pollard school

Graduating class – 1922
Front row, left to right:
Elizabeth Robinson, Oreanna Ross, Arlene Welsh, Jeannette LeFebvre, Stella LaFontaine, Louise Tremblay, Sophie Zablinsky, Marjorie Tremblay.
Second row, left to right:
Warren Sargent, Arthur LaFontaine, Albert Bonenfant, Doris LaFontaine, Elsa Schmidt (teacher), Mildred Quimby, Joseph Iawnitz, Sumpad Tavitian, Hugh Mayberry.
Back row, left to right:
Frank Smythe, Diamond Keezer, Roupan Tavitian, Melvin Willett, Walter Rouillard.


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