Source: Town of Plaistow 2010 Annual Report
Noted archaeologist, David Stewart-Smith visited the museum, to view the Paul Holmes collection of Prehistoric Native American artifacts, as well as colonial period artifacts. Mr. Stewart-Smith’s visit to the museum concluded his wonderful presentation, at Town Hall, on the local area after the last ice age.

Members of the Historical Society with the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager
After a hiatus of six years, the tradition of presenting the Boston Post Cane to Plaistow’s most senior citizen, was reinstituted. At 97 years old, Dena DiPietro Carbone is now officially recognized as the oldest resident in town and the new recipient of the gold headed, ebony Cane. All the credit for the extensive research goes to Diann Robinson.
We were visited by Bob Gray, of the Plaistow First Committee. We discussed serious issues with the water, septic and HVAC systems. Old Home Day went well and we were very grateful to Daryl Briton for volunteering a flight for two, to Bar Harbor, as a raffle item.
Alden Palmer gave an interesting presentation on a local service club that existed in Plaistow, called the Deodorized Order of the Skunk. We were saddened to lose a stalwart member and former officer, Charlie Crockett. Charlie was also a member of the Lions and a veteran. Roy Jeffrey took on the task of identifying all of the WWII veterans in Plaistow. His research culminated with a special Memorial Day program, honoring all WWII veterans. Diann Robinson, Bob Hobbs and Jeanne Smith moved part of our WWII uniform exhibit, to the Sargent Hall in Town Hall, to form a special display.
We were pleased to support a grant to repair the old town clock and we thank Don Sargent for his generous gift, as well. We were pleased to have J. Dennis Robinson, of Portsmouth, Come and present “John Paul Jones, America’s First Action Hero”. It was a very unique and amusing way to look at the naval hero. Professor Richard A. Hesse gave us a similarly insightful presentation on “Daniel Webster, NH’s First Favorite Son.”
We were pleased to participate in the Recreation Department’s Toddler Trick or Treat and we were saddened to lose town icon and PHS charter member, Ruth Jenne.
We held a work day to help us to better organize the artifacts of Our Community. Volunteers go to the museum on most Thursday mornings, between 10 am and Noon. We would like to have more members. Dues are only $10. Some people find that the Society fits in very well with some of their wider ranging interests and hobbies. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, except for Jan. & Feb. The public is always welcome to our meetings and other events. Our Dec. meeting is an annual dinner. This year it was at Rick’s Restaurant.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert J. Carolan, President