Update to previous articles on Plaistow Schools

On our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/PlaistowHistoricalSociety, a series on the old school houses in town made us aware of some information which is in error on this website. The schools were mis-identified as District 1 through 4 and the locations also. The correct information:

In 1896, the first Pollard School was built, thanks to generous donations of the land and money from Arthur Pollard. Children from the four district schoolhouses (pictures of which we posted earlier) began to attend the new graded classes in this two story building. At some point, the #3 schoolhouse by the Town Hall was torn down. The #2 schoolhouse at Kelly Road ceased to be a school once all the northern kids went to Pollard in the early 1900s and that building was moved to 127 Main St. becoming the new firehouse in 1920 (now the PHS). The #4 schoolhouse by Brandy Brow remained standing until it too was torn down by the 1920s. The #1 schoolhouse at Westville remained a school longer into the 1910s and was demolished in the 1920s.